Email Alerts

In an effort to improve communications with Partners, we invite you to opt-in to receive email updates. Each time we add content to the site, like Webinars, Law Alerts, compliance guidance, or the monthly Partner eNews communication, we will send a brief email with a description of the content.

New SubscribersCheck the boxes of the newsletters you'd like to receive, and then hit 'Subscribe Me' at the bottom of the page.

Continuing Education Receive an email alert when there is new information in the Continuing Education section, like Webinars or documents.
Compliance Alerts Receive an email alert when there is new compliance information, like a Law Alert or compliance documents from Proskauer.
Partner eNews Receive an email alert when the monthly Partner eNews is available.
New Content Receive an email alert each time there is a new communication posted on the portal.
Enhanced Compliance Receive an email alert when there is new content in the Enhanced Compliance Section. If you have signed up for Enhanced Compliance Services, you will able to link to the new content.

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 We will never rent, sell, or otherwise use your email address for anything other than the services you specifically request. Period.