Time and attendance records may accumulate at various sites, pay types and rates. Through the correct time and attendance software solution, your firm can save time, resources, and money while increasing productivity.  

With ProSential Payroll, all of this information feeds automatically to payroll from points of origin. Employees off-site can use internet-based screens for entering time and attendance data.

  • Time clock/POS integration
  • Web-based time entry
  • Time and attendance uploads
  • Time and labor reporting
  • Time away from work workflow request system
  • Save time your staff used to spend adding up punch clock cards or hand written time sheets.
  • Save resources your company has dedicated to checking the accuracy of the time and attendance data you have collected.
  • Reduce overtime costs by preventing fraudulent time keeping records and friend punching.
  • Easily adhere to overtime compliance laws.
  • Give decision makers access to real-time information to manage productivity and control your labor force.
  • Track and control employment costs by shift and department..

   ProSential Group / 40 Tioga Way / Suite 230 / Marblehead, MA 01945

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